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Property of Otto Schmitt
Dr. Otto H. Schmitt
Two old radios modified by Dr. Otto H. Schmitt for another purpose. Tags on the front of both say 'Property of Otto H. Schmitt'. One is marked #1 and the other is #2. (Click photo to enlarge it)

These may look like unrestorable junk, but since they were owned by one of the most influential inventors of the 20th century I find them very intriguing.

Dr. Otto H. Schmitt (April 6, 1913 - January 6, 1998) was one of my professors while I was studying Electrical Engineering at the University of Minnesota in the early 1970s. He is credited with establishing the field of biomedical engineering. His list of inventions is long, but probably most noteworthy are the Schmitt trigger (a basic circuit used in virtually all digital electronics today), the cathode follower, and the differential amplifier. These are extremely significant achievements and I wonder if these two old radios, modified for another purpose many years ago and kept by Otto until his death, had anything to do with one of his inventions.
Or, are they just a homemade intercom system?

I'll never try to restore these back to the radios they originally were, but someday I'll analyze their circuits to learn what they are now!
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AC Radios: A C E F G I J M N O P R S T U V W
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The Farmers

Last Updated: Sunday, 23-Feb-2014 11:54:02 CST
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